Understanding The Threat (UTT) is the only organization in America that gives police, citizens, and elected officials tools to map out the jihadi networks in their local areas; gives police tools to aggressively investigate and prosecute the networks, the jihadis, and co-conspirators in the networks; gives state leaders strategies to dismantle the jihadi network; trains citizens, police, elected officials and others how to present and defend information about the Muslim Brotherhood, their modus operandi and network in America, sharia, and what can be done about this threat.
UTT believes we cannot do what we do without you!
UTT Training
Because of the current global situation, and the increasing domestic jihadi threat, UTT finds itself busy giving presentations to citizen groups, churches, and community leaders more frequently than we have done in the previous years. Americans from all walks of life are more open to hearing the truth and acting on it than they were even a few years ago.
Understanding and Investigating the Jihadi Network
training topics include but are not limited to:
Historical Movements in the United States
The Muslim Brotherhood Jihadi Movement in North America and globally
Other jihadi networks in the U.S.
Sharia/Islamic Law
Jihadi/MB influence Operations Overseas and Domestically
Responding to the Threat at the Local Level (How to Identify/Investigate Them)
U.S. Founding Principles/Constitutional Law vs Sharia
Presenting the Threat while Answering Common Objections
Our experience with police, analysts, federal agents, and military personnel in our training programs shows none of them were aware of the information UTT presents until they hear it during this program, yet all of them believe the information is critical to identifying threats and protecting their communities.
We have watched as the average tuned-in American has gone from being relatively uninformed about Islam to having a much deeper understanding of Islam and HOW it operates at the ground level to subvert police departments, churches, schools, and other areas of our society.
We take understanding of the threat to a place where people get it. UTT training programs lead to the local police and prosecutors opening cases on terrorism related matters; giving people specific information about the nature of the Islamic threat so they realize the solution must come at the local level; and, helping people comprehend that America is truly in a war for the survival of our Republic and Americans have to act accordingly.
UTT is the only organization in America training people to teach others, build local strategies, and take the fight to the enemy. We discuss the threat and the practical solutions we offer.
Also noteworthy: UTT leads the nation in analyzing current events and putting those events into context with the broader war against the Islamic & Marxist counter-states so people can grasp the significance of what is really happening.
Our nation, our laws, and our government are built on the foundation of the Law of Nature (legally defined as the “Will of God”) and the Law of Nature’s God (legally defined as “Holy Scripture”). We believe as free people, we have a duty to speak truth boldly in love about real threats to our liberty.
The entire Understanding The Threat team is dedicated to one mission: Winning this war.
UTT and every person on our team will not stop, will not quit, and will not allow ourselves to be diverted from this course we are on. There is no other organization in the West training and engaging, giving practical tools to police, community leaders, and citizens like UTT.
We really are taking the fight to the enemy and putting freedom back on the offensive where it belongs. We cannot do it without the support of folks like you.