America was founded as a “Christian” nation based on a solid foundation of Judeo-Christian principles. However, in 2021, few people in our country understand that. Fewer still believe it. As a result, our foundation is being attacked more now than at any time in our history. The life of our nation is at stake. So, the question is, how do we change this situation?

Rev. Dale Witherington is the Chief Steward of Restore Minnesota, a ministry that exists to “restore righteousness in Minnesota through spiritual and civic transformation based on the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Additionally, Dale serves as a pastor to the elected state officials, their families and staff members of the State of Minnesota. In this role, Dale leads regular Bible studies and provides spiritual counsel primarily to members of the Minnesota House and Senate.
Dale also serves Senators and Representatives as the State Director of the Minnesota Prayer Caucus, an affiliate of the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation. It is also his pleasure to serve as the P50 pastor for Family Research Council to the State of Minnesota. Annually, he helps facilitate the state planning for the National Day of Prayer event which is held at Minnesota’s State Capitol in St. Paul, as part of its planning committee.
Witherington travels the state of Minnesota visiting with and speaking to pastors, churches, civic and specialty Christian organizations. He is currently launching The Institute for Biblical Citizenship with its corresponding Community Action Teams in accordance with Philippians 1:27, Philippians 3:20 and II Corinthians 5:20.
Dale is the author of the eBooks “America at a Crossroads” and “Dangerous Christianity.”
The purpose of the Dangerous Christianity program is to educate, equip, empower, exhort and encourage Patriots to engage the culture with fearlessness and confidence. Together we will explore topics, such as:
What does “Dangerous Christianity” mean and look like?
America at a Crossroads: Preserving Our Nation’s Values and Heritage
Biblical Citizenship in a Non-Biblical World
In God We Trust: The Biblical Foundation of the United States of America including our most “sacred” documents, The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution.
Restoring America: How to Take the Fight Back to Our Enemies
Faith & Freedom
And so much more!
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Dangerous Christian!